Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's not over yet!

The battle still rages on
I'm not yet all I should be, but I strive on...
We would all desire to reach the point of "I have fought the good fight..."
But it doesn't take a day.
It takes years, decades, centuries!
Just like people never crumble in a day,
Things are never built in a day!

There's a challenge to keep the onslaught ongoing
Keeping the prize in sight
Looking forward and not backward
One day at a time
Relying on the power of the Lord to take us through

Our constant continued failures
Just serve to remind us that on our own, we are nothing
If we could help ourselves achieve anything
Christ would never have needed to come
We had reached our tether's end.
Our repeated failures simply remind us
That we are helpless on our own
That our righteousness is like filthy rugs before the Lord
That our finest, strongest and toughest efforts are in vain

If the Lord doesn't build, the builders hustle in vain
Unless He guards a city, the sentries keep guard in vain
No wonder He cautions us to abide in Him
As a branch would do in the vine
So we can continually sap in strength, insight, wisdom, power from Him
Submitting to Him day after day, so the devil can flee from us!

Once we detach from Him, we are finished
We are left defenseless, helpless, blind and without backup
Yet the problem is that the battle still rages on
Though we fight from a place of victory, our fight is still on
Our enemy doesn't slumber as well
He prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour
And devour he will, once we give him the chance

He won't tempt once, but thrice
And then wait for the next opportune time
He won't cease once dispossessed of his prey but will wander about
Waiting for the house to go empty
Before his next bigger attack
Did you ever hear them tell you to "keep your deliverance"?
To "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"?
They meant it, every word of it
For when you confess, the battle has just began
For now, it's not over yet...


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